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Sandwiches - Angry Barnyard BBQ
Angry Barnyard BBQ

Little Bo


Cant decide which sandwich you want? This monster will help you decide! Three of our favorite meats, brisket, pork and cajun sausage piled up on our buttery brioche bun and then drown in our two favorite sauces, Sassy Southerner and our Alabama White!

AB Sauce Options:Carolina Gold- Mustard Based, great with pork and sausage Alabama White- Mayo based with a little tang for Pork and Chicken Gentlemens Classic- Smooth and smokey, not overly sweet Sassy Southerner- Somethin' that will bring a 'lil more heat & tang to your plate!
AB Side (Select 1-2):Chili Beans Mac n cheddar Greens and Hamhocks Potato Salad Slaw Country Caviar Tomato Pie
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